Our story

My husband and I have an interesting history.  We dated 20 years ago in an on-again, off-again four-year relationship.  We went our separate ways and during that time, my now-husband got married, had two children and then was divorced after 12 years of marriage.  As for me, I focused on my career and had a few long-term relationships over the years but none that I really thought would work for a lifetime.  

A few years after my husband's divorce, we reconnected and eventually decided to try dating again.  At one point the relationship we hit a crossroads.  I questioned where the relationship was going, either down a path of possible marriage or were we just having fun with no real destination in sight?  While both of us saw marriage in our future, we also had concerns as to whether this relationship would work long-term.  Our combined history of one failed marriage, other failed relationships, and the knowledge that few couples we knew were happily married really left us with questions.  How do you know this person is right for me?  Is this someone I should consider marrying? How do I know if we will stay happy together?  

We decided our relationship was worth exploring a life-long future and agreed to relax on a marriage time frame for the moment.  I did some research on relationships, discovered common issues in marriage and topics couples should discuss before marriage.  I hoped discussing these subjects would help us both become more comfortable with the idea of marriage and help us answer some of our questions.  I decided to make a game out of the discussions so the process would be fun and less intimidating.  I created questions based on the topics from my research, placed the cards in a purple bag I had lying around, and The Purple Bag Dating Game was born.

My now-husband appreciated my creativity and my desire to help us both become more comfortable with the idea of marriage.  He was also relieved that the game took a little pressure off the marriage time frame.  We pulled a card out of the bag when we were driving, going for a walk, or whenever we had a few minutes to talk. The game was a fun way to really get to know each other more intimately.  We discovered ideas we had in common and areas where we had different perspectives.  We talked about how we might manage those different perspectives and other possible challenges in marriage.

Purple Bag Dating Game

How 2B Sure, and more specifically The Purple Bag Dating Game, was developed to help couples answer the same questions my husband and I had as a dating couple, "If we get married, will we make it and will we be happy?"  After developing and then trying The Purple Bag Dating Game, our answer was "Yes, we think we can work to make a happy and successful marriage."

The Purple Bag Dating Game helped us create more intimacy in our relationship and improve our communication.  Our hope is that this website and The Purple Bag Dating Game will provide you with an opportunity to really get to know each other, to build a firm foundation for your own successful relationship and answer the questions you may have about the potential for relationship success.