How can I be sure?
As a counselor who regularly sees the fallout of marriages in distress, I am thrilled to recommend How 2B Sure - Purple Bag Dating Game that will challenge you to improve your communication and conflict management skills, which are foundational to a lasting marriage.
Laura Layton - M. ED LPC NCC, Counselor
How 2B Sure
While dating, have you ever asked yourself, “Is this the person I should marry? Would we be happy?” With the divorce rate hovering around 50%, why should you believe that this relationship would be different and bring lifelong happiness? You have fun together and really love each other but is that really enough to withstand the highs and lows of life? Can you build a happy and successful marriage?
How 2B Sure -
The Purple Bag Dating Game
How 2B Sure - Purple Bag Dating Game helps couples build strong, life-long relationships by identifying their relationship compatibility while improving their communication. The game includes a wide range of topics which often impact marriages. Each topic has 5 - 6 questions to discuss in a fun and non-intimidating way.
Together as a couple, you can identify areas where you are very compatible and areas where you might face struggles. You can also discuss potential compromises before you are in difficult situations.